Ciudadanía italiana por ascendencia

Para la versión en inglés de este contenido, visite nuestra página dedicada aquí. ¿Quién puede solicitar el reconocimiento de la ciudadanía italiana por ascendencia? El reconocimiento de la ciudadanía italiana se dirige específicamente ...

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Cutro Decree

cutro decree

This article aims at highlighting the major changes regarding the regulation of legal entries into the national territory introduced by Decree Law No. 20 March 10, 2023 (the so-called Cutro Decree), with specifics according to the ...

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Decreto Flussi 2023: informazioni generali

Che cos’è il Decreto Flussi? Il Decreto Flussi 2023 è un atto legislativo italiano che ogni anno stabilisce il numero massimo di visti che possono essere emessi per lavoro subordinato, per lavoro autonomo e per lavoro stagionale. ...

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Re-Entry Visa

Who can apply for a Re-Entry Visa? The Re-entry visa is specifically conceived for foreign nationals whose Italian residence permit has expired, or who hold a valid residence permit, but who accidentally find themselves without these ...

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