Employment Visa for specific professionals

What is an Extra-Quota Employment visa? As a general rule, employment visas are issued by the competent Italian Consulates abroad up to the consumption of a maximum fixed number of visas established every year by the so-called Flow ...

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Service Agreement Visa

Who is eligible to apply for an Intra-company visa based on a Service Agreement? This type of visa is specifically conceived for people who work for a foreign company or individual who, based on a service agreement, intends to transfer ...

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Elective Residency Visa

Who is eligible to apply for an Italian Elective Residence visa and permit? The Elective Residence visa is specifically conceived for foreigners who intend to resettle in Italy, who are not interested in working and who can live on a ...

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Intra-Company Visa

intra company self-employment visa as a director

Who is eligible to apply for an Intra-company visa and residence permit? The Intra-company Visa and residence permit is specifically conceived for workers of foreign companies to be temporarily transferred to an Italian entity that is ...

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Golden Visa (Investor Visa)

what is a golden visa

Who is eligible to apply for an Investment visa and residence permit? The Investor visa also known as, the Italian Golden visa, is specifically conceived for people who intend to make a considerable investment in Italy. More ...

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