

The Joint Guideline issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Ministry of the Interior on March 28, 2024, introduced a significant innovation regarding the European Blue Card. With this recent amendment, the educational qualification requirement, essential for submitting the entry clearance (Nulla Osta) application for the Blue Card, can be met not only through the Declaration of Value (DOV) but also via the comparability and authenticity certification issued by the Information Center on Academic Mobility and Equivalences (CIMEA).

Both the (1) CIMEA Certification and (2) Declaration of Value are essential documents for those who need to have a foreign qualification recognized in Italy, an essential preliminary step for accessing academic and professional opportunities in a foreign country or obtaining specific residence permits that require a high level of education. Although both documents aim to certify the level and type of someone’s qualification, they differ in terms of procedures, costs, and areas of application. Choosing between the two can significantly impact the timeline and outcome of the process.

Below, we detail the characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each recognition method to help you identify the option that best suits your needs.

CIMEA certification: modern and efficient

The CIMEA certification is issued by the Information Center on Academic Mobility and Equivalences, an recognized entity in Italy for recognizing foreign qualifications. Its purpose is to assess the academic and professional value of a qualification. The procedure is entirely digital, managed through online platforms like the “Diplome” service, where applicants upload the necessary documents, including the qualification and passport, along with official translations. The main certifications issued by CIMEA are:

  • Certificate of Comparability

This document attests the foreign education qualifications, ranking them with reference to the Bologna Process cycles and the levels of the European Qualifications Framework. Upon positive assessment, CIMEA experts issue a Comparability Certificate. The certificates related to qualifications obtained in one of the 55 countries of the Lisbon Convention can be downloaded directly and free of charge via the ARDI – Automatic Recognition Database Italy.

  • Verification Certificate

This service certifies the actual issuance of a qualification by the relevant official body to the holder. However, it does not guarantee the formal recognition of the qualification within a specific national system, though it is undoubtedly a useful document for evaluating the individual’s skills.


These certifications are essential for those applying for the entry clearance for the European Blue Card or visas for digital nomads.

To issue these certifications, CIMEA uses one or more of the following tools: national or institutional databases, direct requests to the issuing institution, official certifications issued by the competent authorities of the reference country, submission of the original qualification to CIMEA offices, verification of legalizations and stamps, format review of the qualification and respective signatures.

Advantages Compared to the Declaration of Value

The primary advantage of the CIMEA certification is its speed: the process is generally faster than obtaining a Declaration of Value, with an average timeframe of 30-60 days. Additionally, the entirely online management simplifies the procedure, eliminating the need to visit consulates or embassies.

Disadvantages Compared to the Declaration of Value

its costs can be significant and not all institutions and public entities accept CIMEA certification as a substitute for the Declaration of Value. Additionally, the verification process may not be possible in all foreign systems and is limited to certain countries and/or qualifications.

CIMEA does not publish an official list of excluded countries but suggests verifying feasibility on a case-by-case basis. Generally, verification operations may be denied for qualifications from countries with non-transparent education systems (e.g., lack of databases), unrecognized universities, conflict zones, or countries under international sanctions. For politically unstable countries, verification may be impossible or extremely complicated.

Declaration of value

The Declaration of Value, which is issued by Italian embassies or consulates in the country where the qualification was obtained, is a more traditional document that remains widely used and required. It is an official document certifying the authenticity and value of a foreign qualification, comparing it to the Italian educational system.

Advantages Compared to CIMEA Certification

The main advantage of the Declaration of Value is its universal acceptance. It is the reference document for all Italian institutions, both academic and professional. Another advantage is the cost: unlike CIMEA certification, it is often free or involves minimal fees, making it a more accessible choice for those with limited financial resources.

Disadvantages Compared to CIMEA Certification

The process for obtaining the Declaration of Value can be more complex. Applicants must contact the Italian consulate in the country where the qualification was obtained, presenting documents such as the original apostilled or legalized degree, translations, and, in some cases, additional documentation such as a job offer in Italy to justify the request for the document. Moreover, the waiting times are often long, reaching several months in busy embassies, such as those in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Which one to choose?

The choice between CIMEA certification and the Declaration of Value depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the applicant. To opt for one or the other one must consider the individual’s needs, available timelines, and the specific requirements of the Italian institutions involved.

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If you have any doubts or need assistance, our team of experts in Global Mobility & Immigration is available to guide you in selecting the most suitable procedure for you and to support you in managing the entire process, filing the application and collecting all necessary documentation for the purpose of your application.

For more information or an analysis of your specific case, do not hesitate to book a consultation with us.


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