The suspension of the terms and the extension of the validity of the documents provided for by the “Cura Italia” Decree (DL 18/2020) applies to many of the administrative procedures involving foreign citizens in Italy: not only those relating to residence permits, which are at the responsibility of the Police Headquarters, but also those managed by the Single Desk for Immigration (Sportello Unico Immigrazione) or that have to do with the acquisition of Italian citizenship.
This is clarified by a Circular issued on March 24th by the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of Interior, recalling that according to the Legislative Decree n. 18/2020, for the terms of the proceedings “pending on February 23rd, 2020 or initiated after that date, the period between the same date and that of April 15th, 2020 is not taken into account“. In addition, “all certificates, attestations, permits, concessions, authorisations and enabling acts, however named, expiring between 31 January and 15 April 2020, shall remain valid until 15 June 2020“.
• Single Immigration Desk: the proceedings in relation to the following procedures are suspended until April 15th:
o seasonal work permits;
o clearance to work for special cases under Articles 27 et seq. of Legislative Decree No 286 of 25 July 1998 (research, blue card, intra-company transfers);
o conversion of residence permits from study to employment and from seasonal to non-seasonal employment;
o authorisation for family reunification;
o integration agreement (civic training sessions, verification of compliance, credit recognition, etc.);
o Italian test for the EU long-term resident’s permit;
o submission of supplementary documentation;
In addition, work and family reunification clearances, which expire between 31 January and 15 April 2020, will remain valid until 15 June 2020 for the purpose of applying for the relevant entry visa.
• Citizenship: The terms of the citizenship proceedings for marriage and residence are suspended until 15 April, as are the summonses of applicants to the Prefecture. The suspension also concerns procedures that do not fall within the competence of the Single Immigration Desk, such as the election of citizenship by a foreigner born in Italy at the age of eighteen or the oath of citizenship.
The validity of the certificates submitted by those who apply for citizenship by marriage or for residence, including those issued by the country of origin, expiring between January 31 and April 15, 2020, is extended until June 15, 2020.