Our Visas Services
The following visa and residence permit options are aimed at allowing non-EU nationals to enter in Italy according to their travel purposes, activities to be carried out and period of stay. Visas are divided in short term visas, which are valid up to 90 days, and long term visas, which allow people to stay for a longer period of time. Another classification is made by in-quota and extra-quota visas, which depends on the application of Flow Decree. If the Flow Decree is applied, there is a yearly limit of non-EU citizens who may enter Italy for employment, self-employment and seasonal work. Moreover, we offer a special service for students that live in Italy with a student visa but have the need to convert it into a working one.




Which are the requirements for obtaining a resident permit?
To apply for a visa to enter Italy and reside here legally on a stable basis, generally speaking, you need to fulfill one of the following requirements:
• having a close family members already legally residing in Italy
• being enrolled in an Italian educational institution;
• having a job offer from an Italian employer or client;
• being a corporate member of a company already established in Italy and active for at least three years;
• having an investment plan aimed at the development of a business in Italy;
• having the availability of sufficient resources to start an activity as a self-employed;
• Being able to invest in an innovative business or in other entities;
• having sufficient resources from non-working activities;
Our team of italian attorneys specialized in immigration and international mobility law will be able to guide you in finding the right document for your specific case. They will handle your permit application, they will provide guidelines for the visa application and give you practical assistance throughout the process.
If you want to attend to a full online assessment visit this page. We’ll review your case and get back to you in 24 hours.
Contact us for a free-of-charge conference call
If you are looking for an immigration service provider in Italy, contact us for an initial advice and an estimate quotation. Our immigration consultants will contact you shortly by e-mail..
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