What is the Withdrawal Agreement and how can it affect me?

The Withdrawal Agreement sets out the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and provides for a deal on UK and EU citizens’ rights. It sets out a transition period which lasts until 31 December 2020. During this time, you can continue to live, work and study in Italy as you did before Brexit.

If you are resident in Italy at the end of the transition period, you will be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, and your rights will be protected for as long as you remain a resident in Italy.

Any rights that are not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement will be dealt with future negotiations. Below you can find the main aspects regulated by the Agreement.


If you are a resident in Italy before the transition period ends, on 31 December 2020, you will be able to remain a resident in Italy by registering as an Italian resident.

Passports and travel

The rules on movements into and within the Schengen Area will remain the same until the transition period ends on 31 December 2020. During this time, you can continue to travel to countries in the Schengen area or elsewhere in the EU with your UK passport, without limitations.


If you’re living in Italy or you have moved there permanently before 31 December 2020, you’ll have life-long healthcare rights in Italy as you do now, provided that you remain a resident.


If you are resident in Italy on 31 December 2020, your right to work will remain the same, as long as you remain a resident in Italy.

What will happen when the transition period will end?

After 31 December 2020, standard immigration provisions applicable to citizens of non-EU and non-Schengen States shall apply to British citizens who have not registered their Italian residence before the end of the transition period.


Italian Visa

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