residence permit

Who is eligible to apply for the conversion of a residence permit for expected employment into a Work residence permit?

The conversion is possible for foreign citizens residing in Italy who hold a residence permit for expected employment and want to convert it into a Work residence permit.

Requirements for applying for the conversion

The main requirements or necessary documents to apply for this type of conversion are:

  1. A valid residence permit for employment expectancy;
  2. A valid passport;
  3. Suitable accommodation in Italy (e.g. rental contract duly registered at the Italian Revenue Agency);

In addition, if the applicant intends to perform self-employment activities, the following is requested:

  1. The registration at the competent professional association, if any;
  2. A certificate of No-Impediment (‘Nulla Osta’) to perform the work activity, to be issued by the competent Chambers of Commerce;
  3. A certificate of attribution of the Value Added Tax number;
  4. A certificate of economic parameters, setting the minimum financial resources required to conduct the specific professional activity the applicant intends to carry out, together with proof of ownership of such resources.

If the applicant intends to perform employment activities, the following is requested:

  1. A declaration by the future Italian employer stating their intention to hire the applicant;
  2. The last tax return submitted by the employer;
  3. The certificate of the employer’s business (so-called ‘visura camerale’), if the work contract does not concern domestic working activities;

Main Procedural Steps

  1. Application for the conversion of the residence permit;
  2. Registration of the applicant’s fingerprints at the Police headquarter;
  3. Issuance of a residence permit for 1 year.

Validity of the new Work permit

The new work permit has a maximum validity of 2 years and is renewable.

The residence permit is renewable under the same substantive conditions valid for its first issuance, as long as the foreign is never absent from the Italian territory for longer than 6 continuous months.

The applicant can renew the residence permit on their own or be assisted by us.

After five years with a residence permit, one can obtain a permanent residence permit (also known as a long-term permit), provided that, by the time of the application, they register as a civil and tax resident in Italy and demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language at level A2 (the second level out of six).

Time Frame

The expected time frame for the issuance of the new Work permit is approximately 3 months from the application.

For further reading, see also:

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