Who is eligible to apply for a Freelance visa and residence permit?
This type of visa is specifically conceived for professionals who intend to perform self-employment activities for regulated or unregulated professions in Italy.
Regulated professions are activities that, in order to be performed, require for the registration to a specific register or professional order.
Unregulated professions are activities that do not require any specific authorization or registration to be performed in Italy. Nevertheless, they must be represented by trade or professional associations at national level.
Main requirements to apply for a Freelance visa and residence permit
- Proof of available accommodation in Italy;
- A yearly gross income of at least 8.500,00 euros earned in the year prior to the one of the visa application; or an engagement proposal signed by one or more Italian clients granting the application a yearly gross compensation of at least 8.500,00 euros;
- Health insurance covering medical expenses and hospitalization in Italy for the first 30 days from the applicant’s entry in Italy;
- A certificate of ‘no impediment’ to perform free-lance work activities in the specific field of expertise of the applicant issued
– by the competent Chamber of Commerce for all working activities to be registered at the Chamber of Commerce;
– or by the specific authority, public administration or professional association competent to grant the necessary licence, authorization or professional enrolment that is necessary to perform a specific free-lance activity; - Having sufficient economic resources to start and perform the specific free-lance activity in Italy (the exact amount is established either by the Chamber of Commerce or by the other competent authority).
Main Procedural Steps
- Application for the certificate of ‘No Impediment’ at the Chamber of Commerce (if applicable), obtaining any necessary authorization or licence or enrolment to perform specific self-employment activities (if applicable);
- Applying for and collecting the ‘Nulla Osta’ (Security Clearance issued by the competent Immigration Desk);
- Filing the visa application at the Italian Consulate of the applicant’s place of residency;
- Application for the residence permit.
Validity of the Freelance residence permit
The first residence permit for Freelance has a maximum validity of 1 year, renewable.
The residence permit is renewable under the same substantive conditions for the issuance of the first one, as long as the foreign national is never absent from the Italian territory for longer than 6 continuous months.
The applicant can renew the residence permit on their own or be assisted by us.
After five years with a residence permit, one can obtain a permanent residence permit (also known as a long-term permit), provided that, by the time of the application, they register as a civil and tax resident in Italy and demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language at level A2 (the second level out of six).
Time Frame
The expected time frame to obtain the visa for self-employment is approximately 2 months from the application. Once the applicant obtains the visa, they can travel to Italy, apply for the residence permit, work and reside there legally.
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Do the eligibility visa test and find out which type of visa you might be eligible for. One of our legal consultants will get back to you within 24 hours with useful information regarding your case.