Who is eligible to apply for an Intra-company visa based on a Service Agreement?
This type of visa is specifically conceived for people who work for a foreign company or individual who, based on a service agreement, intends to transfer them to Italy to perform work activities for a company or individual based in Italy.
Main Procedural Steps
1. Applying for and collecting the ‘Nulla Osta’ (Security Clearance issued by the competent Immigration Desk);
2. Filing the visa application at the Italian Consulate of the applicant’s place of residency;
3. Entry in Italy and application for the residence permit at the competent Police headquarter within 8 days.
Validity of the Intra-company residence permit based on a Service Agreement
The Intra-company residence permit based on a Service Agreement has a maximum duration of 2 years, but it is renewable.
The residence permit is renewable under the same substantive conditions for the issuance of the first one, as long as the foreign national is never absent from the Italian territory for longer than 6 continuous months.
The applicant can renew the residence permit on their own or be assisted by us.
After 5 years of continuous registered legal residency in Italy, the applicant would be eligible to apply for a permanent residence permit.
Time Frame
The expected time frame to obtain the visa is approximately 1 months from the visa application. Once the applicant obtains the visa, they can travel to Italy, apply for the residence permit, work and reside there legally.
Get in Touch
Do not hesitate to write to us if you wish to have additional information on the requirements for this type of Visa and counselling on your specific case.
Do the eligibility visa test and find out which type of visa you might be eligible for. One of our legal consultants will get back to you within 24 hours with useful information regarding your case.
02 August 2024